​Guy Félio, PhD.,P.Eng.,
IRP[Climate] F-CSCE
Asset Management. Infrastructure Resilience.
Climate Risks Assessment
Climate Risks Assessment Course Testimonials

Independent practitioner,
British Columbia
"The course provided a solid 'fly over' of the topic that would benefit anyone in terms of gaining an appreciation regarding climate risks in general, as well as specifically climate risk assessment for infrastructure and facilities. The course was well organized, coordinated and executed which enabled the participants to engage real-time with each other and with the receptive instructor. Highly recommend!"

Public Services and Procurement Canada
"This course provides a good overview of the elements needed to properly consider climate change in the design and operation of infrastructure. This consideration begins with good asset management, risk management and ultimately a good understanding of how to identify the climatic hazards that are relevant to the asset. The information is well organized and presented. The broad outlines of the process are presented, so the course is applicable for climate risk assessment for various types of assets. Well done.

Program Officer,
Inter-American Development Bank
Washington D.C.
"Provides a complete view of risk management and climate risk management, giving special focus on asset management, something which I feel is not yet fully integrated into climate analysis today, thus making it very relevant."

City of Moncton, NB
"After attending several presentations on the subject, here is finally an online course that puts into practice the assessment of climate risks for infrastructure and facilities."

New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
"Thank you for the detailed explanations and for the methodology provided, very logical and useful. I particularly enjoyed the case study at the end."

Program Officer
Inter-American Development Bank
Bogotá, Colombia
"The course is a good opportunity to learn the basic concepts and keys to make a correct climate risk analysis and provides flexible tools to apply in multiple projects."

Masters Student
University of Toronto
"The course was very well organized and provided great context for infrastructure and climate risk assessment. The content is very valuable not only in the realm of the course material but other areas of work of various backgrounds including water resource management, planning, design and more."

Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec
"Le cours m’a permis d’examiner les différentes phases de la démarche d’analyse des risques climatiques. On y a revu les différents actifs et leur interdépendance. Beaucoup de sources de références ont été présentées, ce qui permettra d’adapter nos projets selon différentes approches. Les études de cas ont aussi permis de mieux comprendre l’application et les limitations de la démarche."

Ville de Moncton NB
"Après avoir assisté à plusieurs présentations sur le sujet, voici finalement un cours en ligne qui met en pratique l’évaluation des risques climatiques pour les infrastructures et les installations."